Greenhouses Filled with Plants and Flowers in Bud and Bloom
Our 60,000 sq ft greenhouse is open Mid-April through June.
It’s easier than ever to shop for your plants. Bring your list because chances are we’ve got everything you need for your flower beds, outdoor pots and your vegetable garden… and we’ve got a great selection of herbs too!
Every year we add different varietals to compliment your old favorites to create our huge selection of flowering annuals, perennials, ground cover, ferns and decorative grasses. And they are all planted and brought to maturity right here in Claverack. We start getting ready for your summer garden in January.
Don’t forget, we also carry topsoil and potting soil, too!

Shade Plants, Sun Plants, Flowers, Vegetables, Herbs.
You’ll find everything you need at Holmquest Farms & Greenhouse.



Hanging Baskets

Potting Plants

Cemetery Bags

Container Arrangements

Specialty Plants